MEI Services, Inc. (“MEI”) is an established national pharmaceutical services provider headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. MEI provides a wide array of services including a closed-door pharmacy focusing on long-term care facilities across the country under the PharmaLife LTC brand.  MEI is more than just a pharmacy partner. Its extensive experience and knowledge in the pharmacy business allow MEI to bring the right technology solutions to its healthcare clients. Whenever a long-term care facility is looking for an electronic health record system (EHR), electronic medical record software (eMAR), advanced patient identity verification know-how, electronic e-Kit, or other technology solutions, MEI offers expert advice and assistance with the implementation as well as user training and support.

MEI has interfaced and integrated its pharmacy management software with various computer applications and tools developed for long-term care facilities. Electronic medication administration record (eMAR) is one of the most important LTC software systems.

Complex and burdensome laws and regulations require long-term care pharmacies to focus not only on dispensing medications and patient care but also keep timely, accurate, and detailed records including medication administration forms.

Traditionally, LTC providers verify all prescription and non-prescription orders with the information sheet provided by the dispensing pharmacies using physical paper.  This cumbersome process would require nursing staff at each facility to manually verify the start and end dates, times of administrations, and other details of each order including any change orders.  This practice of using physical paper is not only inefficient and time-consuming but, more importantly, error-prone which could create potential liability that could have been easily avoided.

As the healthcare industry continues to digitalize, more and more LTC providers are transitioning from physical paper to eMAR to take advantage of not only the efficiencies/costs savings (by reducing the time nursing staff spends on paper MARs) but — more importantly — to improve patient care and mitigate any potential liability caused by medication errors.

Despite the widespread adoption of eMAR, many challenges continue to exist. One well-known challenge is that new orders are usually sent to a pharmacy from the facility EMR/EHR software which may not be directly interfaced with eMAR – causing delays in populating new orders in the eMAR while waiting for the pharmacy staff to process them.

MEI compared various eMAR solutions and chose to offer RightMAR to its client facilities as the eMAR option. This state-of-the-art software is packed with a lot of powerful features which make it a great choice for those who are passionate about patients and quality of care. RightMAR supports the exchange of information between LTC facilities and their partner pharmacies using the healthcare standard HL7 interface, including an option to send new orders to the pharmacy directly from eMAR using a Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) module.

For more information about RightMAR capabilities and for scheduling a demo, please send a request here.