We provide solutions for facilities that are responsible for people’s health and safety.

PharmaLife LTC is committed to quality and excellence and offers a comprehensive range of pharmacy services for institutional clients, including:

Rather than dictate an operational model, we offer unmatched willingness and ability to customize our operation in order to accommodate each individual facility’s needs.

pillsExamples of solutions that we offer include:

  • Compliance Packaging Services
    • 7,14,15 or 30-day single-dose blister packaging
    • Multidose, perforated blister cards
    • Unit dose manufacturer’s packaging
  • Formulary Management. A comprehensive, complimentary review of the facility’s formulary, if applicable
  • Dispensing Cycles. We offer a full range of dispensing cycles, tailored to each facility’s requirements. Examples include 7, 14, or 28-day cycle fills, 15 or 30-day on-demand fills, and automatic refills for chronic medications
  • Full eMAR implementation (RightMAR) or integration with existing eMAR & EHR via HL7 interface technology
  • Floor Stock and Emergency Drug Kits (where allowed by state law)
  • Timely delivery of STAT orders from a local backup pharmacy
  • 24/7 availability of an on-call pharmacist
  • Same day, PM delivery of routine orders available in the metropolitan Atlanta, GA region
  • Next-day (Mon-Sat), AM delivery of routine orders to most locations nationwide (where applicable)
  • Customizable paper MAR/TAR (60 formats) and prescription labels (40 formats)